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Quant Data Discord Bot Basics
Quant Data Discord Bot Basics

An in-depth look at our basic commands, changing the bot prefix, our special embeds (books), and more.

Andrew Hiesinger avatar
Written by Andrew Hiesinger
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Quant Data's Discord bot basics! This article will help you get a head start in understanding the technology that goes into making your Discord bot experience as smooth as possible.

Getting Started

Before continuing with this article, make sure that you've completed the following:

Basic Commands

These are the basic commands that will be your best friend in getting started:

!help (command)

  • Shows all commands available for you and/or your users to utilize.

  • When used without a command name (!help), this command will show all commands available to you.

  • When used with a command name (!help prefix), the help for that specific command will be shown.

  • To navigate the help book, navigate using the forward and backward arrow emotes. To navigate faster (skip pages), use the fast foward and rewind emotes. To close the book, press the X emote. To pin the current page, press the pin emote.

!prefix <prefix>

  • Allows you to change the prefix of the bot. If you wanted to use a question mark (?) for our bot in your server, you can simply do !prefix ?

  • Note that you can also use the bot's mention as a prefix if necessary. For example, @QuantData help


By now, you may have noticed that our commands use Discord embeds to present our information. More notably, emotes are used to control the embeds. We call these paged embeds "books", and each embed a page of the book.

You can control books in the following way:

  • The backwards emote can be used to navigate back a page. Note that when navigating backwards from the first page, the book will wrap around to the last page.

  • The forward emote can be used to navigate forward a page. Note that when navigating forwards from the last page, the book will wrap around to the first page again.

  • The rewind emote can be used to navigate backward by n/2 pages, where n is the total number of pages. If a book has 8 pages, this emote will send you back 4 pages. Note that this emote does not show up when the book is too short.

  • The skip emote behaves similarly to the rewind emote, but moves forward instead.

  • Both the rewind and skip emotes will auto-wrap around similar to the backwards and forwards emotes.

  • The close emote is represented as a red X. When this is pressed, the book is closed. This can be useful if you don't want others to see what you're browsing.

  • Note that books will automatically close after 5 minutes.

  • If you don't want to lose your page from auto-closing, you can pin it using the pin emote. This will freeze the book on the current page and remove all emotes from the Discord embed.

  • Note that for a majority of our commands, the user who triggers the command is the only one that can manipulate the book.

Do you need further assistance?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Quant Data team at, or via our live chat located on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. We are available on the live chat between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM EST, Monday-Friday.

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